Tennis Court Sub Zone A2
From this subzone the player can take the initiative or directly to win point.
Let’s look at diagram 4. If you play cross court from position X2 and your opponent is in on position Y2, he has to cover almost twice the distance in order to hit the ball than you have to cover in order to be in the correct position.
- Advantages you to play cross court are:
– This zone is bigger than if you play down the line;
– You have to cover the shortest distance to be in the next correct position;
– The ball passes over the net in almost the lowest place that is close to the center of the net.
- Disadvantages to playing here are:
– The maximum possible speed of the ball will be less than the ball’s speed if you had played down the line because of the topspin or slice shot that you have to implement;
– At position Y21 on diagram 4 your opponent has the maximum angle to attack you.
If the ball’s placement is in the green zone you have a greater chance your shot to be a wining shot.
In Diagram 5 you are in the X2 position and you will play down the line. That’s a perfect decision but in order to implement a wining shot:
– You have to have a really accurate shot because this zone is the smallest one, and/or;
– Your opponent has to not be in the correct position. For example, close to the corner of the court.
1. Advantages if you play down the line are:
– You can implement a faster shot than if you play cross court;
– Sometimes you can move foreword and play a volley.
2. Disadvantages to playing down the line are:
– This zone is the smallest one and requires an accurate shot;
– The distance to the next correct position is almost twice as long than if you had played cross court;
– The ball passes over the net in the highest place.