Ten Golden Tennis Rules
- Start and finish the forward motion by holding the racket as firm as possible.
- Always try to implement your shots without moving your feet. If you have to move your feet, step in the direction that you have played the ball.
Watch this video to see the Azarenka’s mistake
- When the ball bounces lower than the net you need to use a top spin shot, and the head of the racket needs to finish the movement above the level of the net.
- To have the best control over the ball’s direction you need to lead the ball with the racket in the direction that you want to play the ball.
- You can control the speed of the ball with the speed of your hand motion. If you want to play a slow ball make a slow motion with your hand and when you want to play a fast ball make a fast motion with your hand. When you play a top spin shot you can control the height oft he ball’s trajectory in the follow ways:
- When you want to play a low ball close to the net and short, you have to finish the motion of your swing foreword with your racket 30-50 cm above the net.
- When you want to play high and deep ball, you have to finish the motion of your swing forward above the net, about a meter or higher depending on what kind of shot you want to implement. For a lob shot, for example, your racket’s motion foreword has to finish above your head.
- If the ball bounces high it allows you to implement a high ball shot technique. After the shot the racket must continue the motion forward and horizontal. Watch these video clips to understand hot to implement such shots.
Watch Djokovic’s implementation
- Don’t forget that if you want to implement a fast shot you must move your hand quickly.
- When the ball is close to the net and the ball bounces under the height of the net, play a short ball close to the net. You use this shot, of course, if your opponent is not there to easily return the ball. When you have implemented a short ball close to the net, immediately after the stroke move to the net.
- When you play a cross court ball in order to win the point or to get the advantage, your ball’s direction must cross the side line closer to the net point than your opponent’s ball direction.